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Mavala Stop will help discourage you from putting fingers in your mouth thereby allowing your nails to grow stronger and healthier. Apply a coat over the entire nail (or polish) and allow it to dry completely. Repeat the application every two days. Continue the treatment until you have stopped putting your fingers on your mouth. Before each re-application, remove Mavala Stop with Nail Polish Remover. Precaution: Never wash hands immediately after application. For external use only. Not for children under 3 years old. Mavala is a philosophy dedicated to care and beauty. Throughout the world and for close to 60 years, the name MAVALA has become synonymous with quality thanks to our specific and high performing care and beauty products, developed in our scientific laboratories, concentrating our efforts on innovation and the search for perfection. Mavala specializes in the maintenance of beautiful looking nails and offers a complete range of products to alleviate all nail concerns, from uneven nail surfaces, splitting and flaking due to lack of hydration or nail discoloration. Whatever your nail problem may be, we have a nail care solution for you at Mavala. Mavala also offers a vast array of over 150 nail colors in shades ranging from chic yet understated nudes to the bold and vibrant to accompany your fresh, healthy nails.
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One of little words (verified owner) –
I bought this because we had a hard time getting my daughter to quit sucking her thumb, her teacher even talked with me about it because she was worried about the germs, so I got one for home and one for her teacher to put on at school. I put it on one night before she went to bed, and she was thinking it was just fingernail polish. She went to bed, and about 10 minutes later I noticed she came out of her room and went into the bathroom, and then went back in her room, after about 5 more minutes she came back out with big ol’ crocodile tears, and had a melt down. I felt bad starting it off right when she went to bed, so I did everything I could to get it off, so we could start a different day. Anyway, it only took us putting it on like two times and she was over sucking her thumb, because she did not want to experience that taste ever again. So I definitely recommend it.
Anonymous (verified owner) –
I bought this for our 6 year old nail biter and our 4 year old thumb sucker. It did a quick job of curing both of those bad habits quickly. The horrible (and I mean HORRIBLE) taste lasts 3-4 days at least so you don’t need to apply that often. I appreciated a previous commenter who said not to put too much on your kids nails. It’s true. If you apply too much, then they get a taste of the stuff every time their fingernails brush against their lips (like when eating finger foods) and that can be distressing and irritating. So just a light coat or small dab will do the trick. Just as a test, I applied this to one of my thumbnails and was surprised at how often I managed to get a taste of it even though I don’t chew my nails or suck my thumbs. And my personal experimentation also confirmed that the flavor of this is revolting. My kids haven’t chewed nails or sucked on their thumbs for several weeks now – and I even forget to apply it very frequently. It really works
Halenstone (verified owner) –
It works because it tastes so bad! If you bite your nails there is no better product than this. I am an extreme case, as once I bite my nails off all my fingers, I start to nibble on the skin on the tips of my fingers. I’ve stopped with this product. Most can quit the habit completely, but using this product I can stop for about 1 to 2 months and find myself start again, so I keep the product on hand.You can maybe get by applying once every two days, but past that it won’t work near as well. Less so if you wash your hands a lot.Buy some nail clippers and nail files/buffers ahead of time. I would highly suggest using cuticle pushers too in order to eliminate the chance of drying them out and having them become frayed and unsightly.I’m in the south and we love crawfish season, so we peel and eat by hand. I’ve learned the hard way, STAY AWAY FROM FINGER FOOD WHILE USING THIS PRODUCT.
Anonymous (verified owner) –
This WORKS!!! I am in my 30s and could never stop biting my nails until I tried Mavala Stop. I tried another similar product in college which wasn’t nearly as strong and actually left a big coat of product that I loved to pick off – not helpful at all. I’m so glad that I looked into this again and wish I found it 20 years ago! You will definitely not bite your nails with this on. Just a nibble and you’ll be reminded to stop – if you keep going for it (nails or fingers near them), the taste will get even worse (yes, it’s possible) and that’ll be the end of the biting! A few months ago I bought my first bottle and applied it about every other day to keep the taste strong enough to work. My nails immediately started growing out and I loved them. I thought that the habit was kicked, but unfortunately the nails got bitten again. I’ve stocked up and realized that I need to just keep using this. Fortunately, it’s a very nice clear coat that I like wearing and could wea
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Great and super nasty, strong taste. Both of my twins suck their thumbs. I purchased this from a dentist about two years ago and it works to keep the kid’s hands out of their mouth as long as you remember to put on about every two days.. and I don’t. Better than anything that I have purchased over-the-counter and better than any compound made by a pharmacist that I have purchased. However, my kids still suck their thumbs because I don’t use it consistently. I do use it when we go out and expect to be out a long time at a place probably loaded with germs (I know germs are very where) but it works to keeps there thumbs out of their month at amusement parks, malls, water parks, etc.
Calimar (verified owner) –
I bought this for my 15yo and 9yo. Ny 15 yo has the awful habit of bitting beyond the white line. His fingers are always inflames at the tip and red. It was awful. I put this on him even though he was mad ad thought it was “girly” to put polish on him lol. Within a day or two he asked me to remove it because it had an awful taste… negative. I have applied it over the course of 2 weeks… he still hates me but his nails are growing and his fingers do not look inflamed or damaged. I bought the double pack but wish i had only bought one. It applies very thin coating. I’m very happy with the product…EXTREMELY actually. Finally his nail bitting has stopped.
ksboudreaux (verified owner) –
I’ve had a horrible nail biting habit my entire life. This is the only product that has worked in my 30 plus years of trying to stop biting my nails. Not only does it keep me from biting my nails, but it makes them pretty and shiny (as long as the Mavala Stop is applied)!The photos I submitted show my nails before applying and about a month of using Mavala Stop (though none applied in photo).Just a warning.. They are not joking when they say to avoid touching food with fingers. It’s amazing how the bitter taste seeps into your food.
Grace (verified owner) –
I’ve only had this on for 24 hours, but so far it works great. Maybe a little too great, in fact. I was baking this morning and had a little bit of batter on my finger. I tried to lick it off and my mouth was filled with the putrid bitterness that is this Mavala product.Lesson learned. Not only can I not bite my nails, I can’t have my fingers anywhere near my mouth. This stuff is just that awful.
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I have 2 thumb suckers, age 7 and 8. We have tried almost everything to get them to stop sucking their thumbs. Nothing worked. They had orthodontist consults about their teeth and he recommended this product as he wouldn’t do the work until the thumbsucking stopped since it would be a waste of time and money. I put this on their thumbs on a Friday evening and had meltdowns about how they wouldn’t sleep. (Kind of true the first night) They rushed into the bathroom and washed their thumbs. This stayed on. I painted it on again Sat morning and Sat night (nail only) Then I started Ninja painting them after bed for extra absorption time. I have not caught them with a thumb in their mouth since starting this product. The taste is horrible as I accidentally got some on my finger and then mouth. It was still potent on my own finger hours later with scrubbing. Highly recommend. It is worth the price.
Ricardo Almache (verified owner) –
I like to make cakes or fruit shakes. The taste from this product was trasferred to this food and it was really disgusting. It takes a lot of time to remove it with heavy washing of your hands. I do not recommmend for people that prepares food.